Wednesday 19 July 2017

The Start of Something New...

Hello Everyone!

My name is Rachel McNeil and I have been nutty about the Tudors since the summer of 2010 (admit it you hoped I was going to say 69 then), when I first caught an episode of the Tudors on TV. Anne Boleyn was so charismatic and mesmerising to me back then, I just had to know more about her, and all the other people within Henry VIII's court. This in turn led me to pick up my first Tudor book on Henry's wives, and well as they say the rest is history.

I dabbled at almost everything Tudor related. I attended author talks and book signings, collected books, went on educational courses, dressed as a Tudor, tried my hand at creating Tudor clothing, gave talks/presentations and I ran a Tudor Facebook page called 'The Tudor Diaries' with over 8,000 followers (I still run it to this day).

During this time though I have had some amazing experiences, made some great friends, and have been fortunate enough to have achieved my ultimate dream (I will talk about this in another post - I would make yourself comfortable for that one, I imagine it will be quite a long post), which is something I never thought that I would have been able to achieve.

Now I admit, I have been pretty useless over the last year and a bit in relation to my Tudor escapades, in between saving for a house with my fiance, completing a CIPD course in HR, and completing my ultimate dream, my mojo was a little lost. I knew in my heart I still liked the Tudor period, but what was there left to do having completed my ultimate dream? I pondered on this a good while.

Well, you see I am a massive believer in having a bucket list, because life is short, and you never know when the grim reaper might be coming for you. I knew that I wanted a full life, and then it dawned on me... Yes, I have completed my ultimate dream, but if I died tomorrow would I die happy knowing that there were still Tudor related sites I could have visited, authors I could have met, or original documents I could have seen. No, I don't think I would!

And so my Tudor Bucket List was born!

I sat down and wrote everything I wanted/still wished to do. Like a normal bucket list it will expand and decrease, as I complete things, or think of new things I would like to complete, but it is all Tudor related. This blog will be my pledge to both you and I of what I wish to do, and it will be my journal/diary of everything I have experienced on this journey/path.

I hope you enjoy this blog, and my journey...

Let me know what your ultimate Tudor dream would be in the comments below. I would love to hear them.

Things to see and do at ...Tewkesbury Medieval Festival

I've just come back from attending Tewkesbury Medieval Festival and it seems to get increasingly better with each passing year (if that...